Dice Syntax
This is the full syntax. Navigate to pages for specific syntax and examples / explanations.
X/Y/Z are integers. A and B are arbitrary Expressions.
Syntax | |
XdY | Rolls X dice of Y size. 4d6 rolls 4 six-sided dice. |
dY | Rolls a single die of Y size. |
dY! XdY! | Exploding dice. Rolling Y on a Y-sided die grants an additional die roll. |
dY!Z XdY!Z | Exploding dice. Rolling Z or above on a Y-sided die grants an additional die roll. |
XdYns XdY!ns | Disable dice sorting. |
A+B A-B | Arbitrary chains of addition and subtraction. |
A*B A/B | Arbitrary chains of multiplication and division. |
A++B A--B | Arbitrary chains of per-die addition and subtraction. Each value modifies each individual die roll. 4d6--2 rolls 4d6 with 2 subtracted from each. |
(E) | Parenthetic expressions |
A<<B | Counts the quantity of values in A that are lower than or equal to the value B. 10d6 << 3 counts the number of dice at 3 or below. |
A>>B | Counts the quantity of values in A that are greater than or equal to the value B. 10d6 >>4 counts the number of dice at 4 or above. |
A<B A>=B | Equality comparison on A and B. Must be the last operator ((1 < 2) * 5 is invalid, 1 < (2 * 5) is valid). Supported operators: < <= > >= = |
BX GX WX | Burning Wheel notation. Aliased to Xd6 >> Y where Y is determined by B/G/W. B=4, G=3, W=2. |
BX! GX! WX! | Burning Wheel open roll notation. Aliased to Xd6! >> Y where Y is determined by B/G/W. B=4, G=3, W=2. |
dF XdF | Fate Dice notation. Rolls dice with values of -1, 0, 1. Represented by - , 0 , and + . |
XdYns | No Sort. Does not sort the result of XdY in the output. |
X#A | Evaluates the expression A X times. Use for stat generation: 6#4d6d1 |
dYdZ XdYdZ | Drop dice notation. Drops the lowest Z dice from the result of XdY . Alias for XdYdlZ . May be used with ns and ! . |
dYdlZ XdYdlZ | Drop dice notation. Drops the lowest Z dice from the result of XdY . May be used with ns and ! . |
dYdhZ XdYdhZ | Drop dice notation. Drops the highest Z dice from the result of XdY . May be used with ns and ! . |
dYkZ XdYkZ | Keep dice notation. Keeps the highest Z dice from the result of XdY . Alias for XdYkhZ . May be used with ns and ! . |
dYkZ XdYkZ | Keep dice notation. Keeps the highest Z dice from the result of XdY . May be used with ns and ! . |
dYklZ XdYklZ | Keep dice notation. Keeps the lowest Z dice from the result of XdY . May be used with ns and ! . |
dYcZ XdYcZ | Critrange notation. Bolds all rolls greater than or equal to Z. Cannot be used with keep or drop notations. |
2dYdaro 3dYtaro XdYaro | Doubles/Triples/All-Same And Roll Over notation. “Explodes” when all dice match. Used for Tunnels and Trolls. |